
It’s Official: Mega 157 is now 156

  • Published Nov 23, 2023 | 6:57 PMUpdated Nov 23, 2023 | 6:57 PM
  • Published Nov 23, 2023 | 6:57 PMUpdated Nov 23, 2023 | 6:57 PM
It’s Official: Mega 157 is now 156

After the Box Office setback of Bhola Shankar, Megastar Chiranjeevi underwent a change in his film commitments. Initially set to collaborate with director Kalyan Krishna for his 156th film, a remake of the Malayalam hit Bro Daddy, the actor shifted gears post-Bhola Shankar’s release. Instead, he opted for a fantasy genre project directed by Vashishtha, previously associated with Bimbisara. This unexpected twist in plans turned Chiranjeevi’s 157th film into his 156th, and the shoot commenced on November 22nd, 2023, featuring Oscar Award Winner MM Keeravaani handling the music.

The decision to prioritize the fantasy film with Vashishtha raises questions about the fate of the project with Kalyan Krishna. Whether it is temporarily on hold or completely shelved remains unclear. Chiranjeevi’s strategic move reflects the dynamic nature of the film industry, where post-release evaluations can significantly impact project trajectories. As the production progresses, audiences will eagerly anticipate the outcome of this unexpected cinematic journey undertaken by the Megastar.

In this ever-evolving landscape of film projects, the industry’s unpredictability adds an element of suspense to the narratives both on and off the screen. Chiranjeevi’s decision to explore the fantasy genre with his 156th film showcases the actor’s adaptability and willingness to venture into diverse cinematic realms. With MM Keeravaani’s musical prowess accompanying this new project, fans can anticipate a unique cinematic experience as Chiranjeevi continues to redefine his legacy in Indian cinema.