
Why Bhuvaneswari not paying money to those who died?

  • Published Nov 29, 2023 | 11:36 AMUpdated Nov 29, 2023 | 11:36 AM
  • Published Nov 29, 2023 | 11:36 AMUpdated Nov 29, 2023 | 11:36 AM
Why Bhuvaneswari not paying money to those who died?

The yellow media and the opposition TDP have said that 150 persons have died of heart attack following the arrest of TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu. Party MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna said that he would visit every family and console them.

However, Chandrababu Naidu’s wife Bhuvaneswari took the responsibility of visiting those families. She started a campaign that “Nijam Gelavali” and visited three families. She paid Rs 1 lakh to each of these families.

Later, as Chandrababu Naidu came out of the jail on bail, Bhuvaneswari went back to her Heritage works and did not meet any of those who were killed. There are another 147 families waiting for her to visit them and give them Rs 1 lakh.

There is no announcement from the party or the Nara family about visiting the rest of these families. This would show that everything that the Nara family does or the TDP does is only for publicity and not real work.

Everyone knew that Chandrababu Naidu would be able to manage the courts and come out of jail. So, there is no chance that anyone would die of cardiac arrest on learning about Chandrababu Naidu’s arrest. In fact, Chandrababu Naidu has no such heart-to-heart feelings with the people. He is not a mass leader for anyone to take him to their heart and get hurt if anything happened to him.

The TDP and the yellow media tried to show even normal deaths as cardiac arrest only to counter the deaths of people when Dr Rajasekhar Reddy died in helicopter crash in 2009. Rajasekhar Reddy was a mass leader and had given life to many people through his Arogya Sri programme.

There is some meaning when some one says that a man died of heart attach on learning about the death of Dr Rajasekhar Reddy. But who will die of heart attack if Chandrababu Naidu is arrested? Naidu was never a mass leader or a peoples’ leader. He is a leader for the media and the corporate sector.

Whatever, what is Bhuvaneswari doing now without meeting the family members of these 147 families? She had promised to meet them and pay Rs 1 lakh compensation to them from the family money or the TDP money? Where is this programme now and where is that money now?