
Maharaja Movie Review

  • Published Jun 23, 2024 | 7:47 PMUpdated Jun 23, 2024 | 7:49 PM
  • Published Jun 23, 2024 | 7:47 PMUpdated Jun 23, 2024 | 7:49 PM
Maharaja Movie Review

1st half: Average

Vijay Sethupathi’s characterisation was well-written. When the silence gets triggered, we can see the storm getting unleashed, and that’s how the interval scene was unveiled. It’s absolute madness. Vijay’s expressions when the film takes a serious note make us awestruck.

Coming to the story, though the plot is yet to be revealed, Vijay’s characterisation keeps us leaning for more. Sometimes, the side tracks without any hints feel hopeless; however, later, all these scenes fall into place, which is satisfactory. A caution before would have made it more interesting.

Expecting something big from the latter half, especially after such a massive interval block.

2nd half: Decent

An engaging screenplay leads to an emotional drama with surprising twists and a meaningful message. All the elements are well placed in this thrilling revenge story.

Apt for a milestone film, being his 50th, the content is special, and Vijay Sethupathi has made the right choice.

“It lives up to its title. Go for it!”

The story revolves around the two most important characters, Vijay Sethupathi and Anurag Kashyap. Their love for their families is equal; however, their intentions are quite different, which makes one the good and the other evil. Any day, good wins over evil. Wild intentions come back to haunt and see their end, and that’s how the director draws us in. It looks simple on paper, but the screenplay is one of the major attractions of the film.

We always knew from the beginning what the protagonist was actually looking for, but we could not connect the dots that are revealed in the climax, leading to the emotional track of the story.

All the scenes involving police officers and Vijay Sethupathi were promising, both in terms of entertainment and the revealed twist. These scenes are one of the major impacts of the film.

The film does not have any songs, so it highly depends on the background score. Composer Ajaneesh Loknath did a fabulous job in providing the background score.

Except for a few dragged scenes in the first half, which are understandable, overall, the film looks decent.

Overall Verdict: I regret watching this film late. Go for it, and the makers will set you on an exciting, thrilling ride.