
Jana Sena to wag its tail to whatever TDP says!

  • Published Nov 14, 2023 | 10:48 AMUpdated Nov 14, 2023 | 10:48 AM
  • Published Nov 14, 2023 | 10:48 AMUpdated Nov 14, 2023 | 10:48 AM
Jana Sena to wag its tail to whatever TDP says!

The TDP and Jana Sena have held a joint meeting on Monday in Vijayawada to discuss about the common manifesto. Leaders of the two parties met at the TDP office near Mangalagiri.

TDP senior leader Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, MLC P Ashok Babu and party spokesperson Kommareddy Pattabhiram attended the meeting from the TDP, while Mutha Sasidhar, Varaprasad and Sharat Kumar were present from the Jana Sena.

The leaders of the two parties have discussed about the manifesto to be presented by the two parties together for the coming general election. They have also decided to form committees at the Assmebly constituency level to take forward the party’s programmes.

The assembly level committees are to be formed in the next three to four days and hold meetings in every constituency. This would be an introductory meeting for the two parties and the leaders at the Assembly constituency level.

The two parties would then start visiting every house from November 19 promising guaranteed future for the people under the rule of TDP and Jana Sena. In fact, it was the TDP’s slogan which was now adopted by the Jana Sena.

It looks as if the TDP is imposing its manifesto and its political programmes on the Jana Sena. There is a little for the Jana Sena to share with the TDP leaders during these talks. Given the experience of Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, there is nothing for the Jana Sena leaders to say no to him.

In all probability, the Jana Sena would be wagging its tail to whatever the TDP tells. The TDP has packed programmes to reach out to the people for the next three months and that would be the action plan of the Jana Sena.

There is nothing for the Jana Sena to suggest to the TDP as the senior leaders from the party are sitting in the meetings. The Jana Sena would have to just follow whatever is said by the TDP in the days to come.

It is also likely that the TDP would decide on the candidates from the Jana Sena once the election bell rings.