
The Resilience of Guntur Kaaram: A Sankranti Savior

  • Published Jan 13, 2024 | 10:52 PMUpdated Jan 13, 2024 | 10:52 PM
  • Published Jan 13, 2024 | 10:52 PMUpdated Jan 13, 2024 | 10:52 PM
The Resilience of Guntur Kaaram: A Sankranti Savior

Despite facing a barrage of negative reviews, Mahesh Babu’s latest film, Guntur Kaaram, seems to have found a silver lining during the Sankranti festival. Traditionally, Sankranti is a time when families come together to celebrate, and this festive spirit appears to have played a crucial role in keeping the film afloat. While the movie may not be reaching the heights expected of a Mahesh Babu starrer, trade reports indicate that it is holding up well, with families still making their way to the theaters.

On the flip side, amidst the larger-than-life releases, a smaller film like Hanuman is capturing the attention of netizens, generating significant buzz despite its limited screenings. Interestingly, Guntur Kaaram is managing to carve out its own space and garner attention amid the festival fervor. This suggests that despite the initial negative talk, the festive backdrop is influencing audience preferences, leading to a steady stream of viewers for Guntur Kaaram.

As the festival days progress, the crucial test for Guntur Kaaram lies in how it unfolds once the Sankranti festivities come to an end. While the initial response indicates resilience and a certain level of traction, the film’s fate hinges on its post-festive performance. Will it continue to hold the audience’s interest, or will it fade into the background amidst the buzz of other releases? Only time will tell, making the days following Sankranti pivotal for the fate of Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram.