
Love Me If You Dare Review

  • Published May 25, 2024 | 2:47 PMUpdated May 25, 2024 | 3:22 PM
  • Published May 25, 2024 | 2:47 PMUpdated May 25, 2024 | 3:22 PM
Love Me If You Dare Review


Ashish (Arjun) falls head over heels for Divyavathi, a ghost who has a mysterious backstory. Despite several horrific stories around her, Arjun is determined to uncover the mystery that surrounds her. During the process, it is found that there are other women who have passed away, and the remaining story is what he eventually discovers about the connection between those deaths and Divyavathi.


Ashish portrays Arjun, a character that has a tendency to appear moody and serious most of the time, and he does a good job of it. Vaishnavi Chaitanya has a well-defined role and performs effectively. Although she has meaty screen time and good screen presence , she fails to impress due to her dumb characterization. Ravi Krishna was neat in his role. Rajeev Kanakala appears in only one scene. Simran Choudhary and others do not have much scope.


Love Me If You Dare, the film is helmed by Arun Bhimavarapu, who came up with an intriguing idea on paper, like his main character falling in love with a ghost that terrorizes the entire village. He tried to develop a narrative that has multiple twists and turns that will excite the audience. However, though his style looked like an interesting outing at the initial phase, the film soon loses the grip and never comes back. The first half is filled with unconvincing and illogical scenes but gives moderately okay feel due to the curiosity around the ghost.


The quality visuals, setting, and the background music in a few scenes work for the film, creating curiosity about the ghost factor. Moreover, the transition idea used for the interval raises hopes for an appealing second half.


Though the core idea of the film is exciting, there is a lack of conviction in the reasons presented and written about why a man would fall for a ghost. The first step is crucial for clarifying and convincing the audience, but unfortunately, it fails to achieve that goal. Except for a few dialogues here and there, the proceedings fail to make an engaging impact. The second half raises some expectations at first, but the investigation process becomes tedious. As the film progresses, one loses the interest because of the confusing narrative.

Review (2/5)
Last Line: Love Me: If You Dare — See If You want to get tired