
James Gunn Begins Filming Superman’s Fortress of Solitude Scenes in Norway

James Gunn Begins Filming Superman’s Fortress of Solitude Scenes in Norway

Director James Gunn has kicked off filming for the highly anticipated 2025 Superman movie, with the first scenes shot in Svalbard, Norway. Gunn, known for his work on Guardians of the Galaxy, confirmed the start of filming in an interview with Norwegian outlet VG, highlighting Svalbard’s unique and stunning Arctic landscape as the perfect setting for Superman’s Fortress of Solitude.

“We wanted a place that was beautiful and felt like being in the middle of the Arctic, so we looked at several places in the world. But there were many things that sold Svalbard for us over the other places. First, there is the natural beauty. But there’s also the fact that you’ll find a varied landscape here that you won’t find anywhere else. Nature gives a special feeling,” Gunn said, as translated from Norwegian.

Fans have been eagerly awaiting details about the film, especially regarding the Fortress of Solitude, which is expected to be a significant location in the movie. While Superman’s origin story won’t be retold, the Fortress will play a key role, serving as his base of operations in the DC Universe.

The decision to film in Svalbard follows Gunn and VFX artist Stephane Ceretti’s visit to Norway in October 2023, leading many to speculate that they were scouting locations for the Fortress scenes. The film’s first image, featuring the Superman logo with falling snow, further indicates the importance of the Fortress in the story.

With filming expected to last four to eight months, Superman is set to hit theaters in 2025, offering fans a fresh take on the iconic superhero and introducing new elements to the DC Universe.