
Controversy Strikes Over Trisha’s Latest Insta Post on Animal

Controversy Strikes Over Trisha’s Latest Insta Post on Animal

Indian actress Trisha Krishnan always seems to attract attention whenever she posts online. Her recent Instagram activity briefly created some new controversy before she apparently thought better of it. Krishnan has shown she isn’t afraid to take a stand when she feels strongly about an issue. But her social media presence still manages to periodically court backlash.

Over the weekend, Krishnan shared an Instagram Stories post praising the newly released Ranbir Kapoor film Animal. Her post called the violent thriller “cult” and included words of admiration. However, within minutes the post had vanished without explanation. Some criticized Krishnan for seemingly endorsing a film accused of misogyny after her past stances against such tropes. But her fans also argued that appreciating fiction doesn’t contradict those principles.

Of course, Krishnan is no stranger to being at the center of cinema controversies. She recently called out co-star Mansoor Ali Khan for making crude comments about her in public. Perhaps wanting to avoid another social media firestorm, Krishnan apparently thought it best to swiftly delete her mysterious words of praise for Animal. While the film is sure to have its cult of devotees, she may not want to be counted among them as backlash continues.

Krishnan is set to return to filming soon, needing no more controversy. And her fans surely just want to see her talents shine on screen rather than in tabloid headlines. So while her motivations remain unclear, quickly removing the divisive Instagram post was likely the wisest path.