
Adam Sandler’s Spaceman gets mixed response on Netflix

  • Published Feb 28, 2024 | 1:00 PMUpdated Feb 28, 2024 | 1:22 PM
  • Published Feb 28, 2024 | 1:00 PMUpdated Feb 28, 2024 | 1:22 PM
Adam Sandler’s Spaceman gets mixed response on Netflix

Netflix, a well-known name in the world of OTT, has gained recognition for acquiring numerous acclaimed titles and producing its own series and movies. The OTT giant has also recently concentrated on the South Indian Cinema. While many of Netflix’s productions have achieved global success, some have yet to fare as well. One of Netflix’s latest additions to its sci-fi collection is ‘Spaceman,’ starring Adam Sandler. This movie is based on the novel ‘Spaceman of Bohemia’ by Jaroslav Kalfar, which was an international bestseller.

The storyline revolves around Jakub, a Czech astronaut on a solitary research mission to the solar system’s edge. During his mission, he encounters a mysterious creature that helps him overcome his earthly problems. Despite high expectations due to its intriguing plot and talented cast, ‘Spaceman’ has received average ratings upon its release. Rotten Tomatoes, a renowned critique platform, gave the movie a rating of 69 percent on the Tomatometer, which is significantly lower than anticipated. Critics on the platform described the film as cliched, slow-paced, and even dull. The movie’s main flaw appears to be its heavy reliance on emotional impact without effectively delivering it, as the narrative needs more development and freshness.

Ryan Lattanzio, a top critic from IndieWire, expressed his disappointment by stating that the movie fails to bring anything new to Sandler’s gloomier personas that audiences are already familiar with. He further criticized the film for leaving him unimpressed and feeling lost in space with nowhere to go.