YSRCP all set to kickstart new campaign ‘Why AP Needs Jagan’

Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy: We will showcase the developmental statistics of Andhra Pradesh, take it down to the last mile via our extensive door-to-door campaign and bust TDP’s fake propaganda!
Advisor to the Government of Andhra Pradesh and YSRCP State General Secretary Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy today briefed the media about the party’s upcoming on-ground campaign called ‘Why AP Needs Jagan’ at the Central Party Office in Tadepalli.
During the press conference, he elaborated on the core objective and message of the campaign which is primarily to showcase the developmental statistics of Andhra Pradesh and take them down to the last mile via an extensive door-to-door in a bid to completely bust TDP’s fake propaganda. Simply put, ‘Why AP Needs Jagan’ is a massive outreach programme by YSRCP leaders and cadre to take the real development done by Jagananna government to every household.
Emphasizing the remarkable achievements of the YSRCP government led by Chief Minister Jagan, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy stated, ‘Our party’s manifesto was drafted keeping in mind the hopes and dreams of the people during Jagan’s Praja Sankalpa Yatra. What we have accomplished during these four and a half years is unprecedented and now it is our duty to take the report card of the work done to the people directly.’ He then went on to highlight the accomplishments of the YSRCP government across various sectors:-

GSDP GROWTH RATE: ‘In 2019, when Chandrababu Naidu concluded his tenure as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, the state was ranked 22nd in India in terms of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) growth rate. But today, under the visionary leadership of CM Jagan, Andhra Pradesh stands at number 1 as per RBI’s 2021-22 report.’
PER CAPITA INCOME: ‘In 2019, the per capita income of Andhra Pradesh ranked 17th in the nation. Today, Andhra Pradesh has surged into the top 10 states, with its per capita income ranked 9th.’
GOVT JOBS: ‘During the five years of the TDP Government, the total number of government jobs created was a mere 34,108. Jagan Anna’s Government has, to date, provided a whopping 4,93,000 government jobs, out of which 2,13,662 are permanent positions.’

AGRICULTURE: ‘A staggering 62% of Andhra Pradesh’s population directly relies on agriculture. In 2019, the state’s agricultural sector was languishing at the 27th position, nearly at the bottom of the national ranking. The growth rate had plunged into the negative territory at minus 6.5%. Today, thanks to Jagan Anna’s government, Andhra Pradesh has surged to the 6th position in the country with an impressive growth rate of 8.2%.’

INDUSTRIAL GROWTH: ‘In 2019, according to the Reserve Bank of India, during Chandrababu Naidu’s tenure, the industrial growth rate in Andhra Pradesh was ranked 22nd in the country. However, as of today (2021-2022), under Jagan Anna’s government, Andhra Pradesh has ascended to an impressive 3rd position nationwide.’

NEW MSMEs: ‘During Chandrababu Naidu’s administration (2014-2019), only 37,956 new Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) were established throughout the state. In the last four years of Jagan Anna’s government, the number of new MSMEs has grown SIX FOLD to a total of 2.5 LAKH.’

EDUCATION: ‘A substantial sum of Rs 11,700 Crores has been invested in the renovation of 38,059 schools over the past four years. Even traditional classrooms are being converted into digital learning spaces. To date, we have successfully installed 60,000 Interactive Flat Panels and 10,000 Smart TVs. Additionally, we have distributed 5.8 Lakh BYJUs tablets to students, ensuring access to modern educational resources.’

HEALTH: ‘Ensuring quality and affordable healthcare for all is a fundamental pillar of CM Jagan’s Government. To realize this vision, in the past four years alone, we have established over 10,000 YSR Village Clinics, 1126 Primary Health Centres, and 524 Urban Clinics. The recently concluded Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Campaign has been historic. A record 6.4 crore rapid tests were conducted at people’s doorsteps, a record 4 crore citizens were screened post which 12,056 medical camps were conducted where free consultation and medicines were provided.’
The above developmental statistics, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said, would form the core message that the party would take to every household in the upcoming campaign. Next, the YSRCP General Secretary explained how this campaign would be executed on-ground.

This campaign contains two key stages that include YSRCP Sachivalayam Camps and Door-to-Door Outreach.

YSRCP Sachivalayam Camps
Inaugurate Sankshema Pathakalu Display Board: A display board highlighting the total number of beneficiaries and amount disbursed for each scheme will be officially unveiled by Party Mandal President and senior leaders.

YSRCP Flag Hoisting: Party Mandal President and senior leaders will then hoist the YSRCP flag in each Sachivalayam

Dinner with Influencers: The Party Mandal President will join elders and respected community members from the Sachivalayam for dinner and will also stay overnight at the Sachivalayam.

Door-to-Door Outreach: Sachivalayam Conveners, Gruha Sarathis, and Village/Ward Volunteers are set to initiate a comprehensive door-to-door outreach program to reach every household in the State. This initiative aims to carry forward the developmental achievements of the YSRCP government. Here’s an overview of the door-to-door outreach process:

Report Card: As part of the door-to-door outreach program, the Volunteers will engage with residents by reading out the promises made by Naidu in 2014 and Jagananna in 2019. They will use a simple system to assess the fulfillment of these promises:
If a promise has been fulfilled, they will place a tick (✓) in the white space provided.
If a promise remains unfulfilled, they will put a cross (✗) in the white space.

Praja Teerpu Booklet: The number of ticks for both Babu and Jagananna will be tallied, and the scores will be recorded on a Praja Teerpu booklet. This booklet, resembling a receipt, will be provided to the residents. A report card of the same will also be issued to the residents after their stamp of approval. It serves as a transparent record of the assessment, allowing residents to see and understand the performance evaluation of the promises made by both leaders, Babu and Jagan.

Why AP Needs Jagan Booklet: This booklet will contain comprehensive development figures, data, and information about the achievements of the YSRCP government across various sectors. This informational booklet will serve as a valuable resource for residents to understand and appreciate the progress and positive changes brought about by the YSRCP government in the state. It aims to provide residents with a holistic view of the government’s accomplishments and initiatives in different sectors.
Concluding the press conference, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy appealed to the party leaders to unite in ensuring that this campaign reaches every household. He stressed the importance of making people aware of the significant strides and remarkable developments that Andhra Pradesh has experienced during the tenure of the YSRCP government and he further sought the people’s blessings and encouraged them to vote for CM Jagan if they had benefited in his regime.

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