Sudheer Babu makes a Wise Decision

On May 31st, Tollywood is gearing up for a thrilling showdown at the box office. Numerous eagerly awaited movies, including ‘Gangs of Godavari, ” Bhaje Vaayu Vegam, ”Satyabhama, ‘ and ‘Gam Gam Ganesha,’ are all set to hit the screens simultaneously. This jam-packed release date, while exciting for movie enthusiasts, has also sparked worries among producers. This intense competition has prompted Sudheer Babu to delay the release of his film ‘Harom Hara’ to a later, more strategic date.

Sudheer Babu has decided to postpone the release of ‘Harom Hara’ to June 14th due to the potential impact of the upcoming Andhra Pradesh state elections. The release of exit polls on June 1st and the final results on June 4th have raised concerns that the public’s attention might shift away from cinema immediately after the 31st. Sudheer Babu, understanding the crowded release date and the need for a more strategic release window, has made this decision to give the film a better chance of success amidst the election coverage and distractions.

However, it is worth noting that, according to the inside reports, a few other films may also change their release dates. Nevertheless, only Harom Hara has officially confirmed the shift in its release

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