Save The Tigers 2 Review


At the end of the initial season, Ghanta Ravi (Priyadarshi), Rahul (Abhinav Gomatam), and Virkam (Krishna Chaitanya), three dissatisfied husbands, become intoxicated, and they also face an allegation that they have abducted a renowned actress (Hamsalekha). As the second season commences, the trio secures their release on bail and returns home. However, their wives, portrayed by Tejaswini Sharma, Jordar Sujata, and Pavani Gangireddy, have grown weary of their husbands and seek the guidance of a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist proposes several techniques to rectify their husbands’ behavior. The show revolves around how these carefree husbands, who lack seriousness in life, confront their responsibilities.


Priyadarshi impresses with his exceptional acting skills, effortlessly showcasing his talent in comedic and emotional scenes. Abhinav Gomatam also stands out, delivering clever one-liners and displaying impeccable comedic timing. Chaitanya Krishna leaves a lasting impression with his strong performance. The female leads, Jordar Sujata, Pavani Gangireddy, and Deviyani Sharma, significantly contribute to the storyline, effectively enhancing the overall narrative. Satya Krishna, Rohini, Seerat Kapoor, Mukku Avinash, and Venu Yeldandi provided good laughs and did their part well.


Save The Tigers was renowned for its eccentric characters and enjoyable entertainment. However, in the second season, show creator Mahi V Raghav has ingeniously crafted each story with a distinct arc, concluding them on a profoundly responsible note. Through these characters, he skillfully portrays the human aspect, illustrating their growth and comprehension of their obligations in a commendable manner. The series comprises seven episodes, encompassing moments of laughter. Yet, above all, this season encompasses an underlying sentiment that has been gradually developed since the very first episode. While the first three episodes go on a fast-paced and fun mode, the series sees some dips in the middle episodes but rises upwards again in the final episodes.


Save the Tigers 2 highly benefited from the track featuring Priyadarshi and Seerat Kapoor and the one involving Abhinav Gomatam and Rohini, which genuinely shines. These characters inject humor into the narrative, eliciting laughter from the audience. As said above, the mixture of fun and emotions works well, especially in the scenes of Ghanta Ravi and their family.


Undeniably, the second season lacks the fun and standout moments as strong as they were in the first season. Many anticipated the main characters to engage in more outrageous antics and provoke hearty laughter. However, this expectation falls short, as the focus of the second season primarily revolves around the personal growth and realizations of these characters. The introduction of Seerat Kapoor and her character significantly alters the show’s dynamics; however, the makers missed an ample opportunity to incorporate comedy into the storyline after her arrival.

Rating: 3.25/5

Last Line: Satisfactory entertainer

Note:* It’s a personal opinion. It will not be based on it’s film run or the talk on the other side.
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