
It will not be TDP victory, anyway

  • Published May 30, 2024 | 4:57 PMUpdated May 30, 2024 | 4:57 PM
  • Published May 30, 2024 | 4:57 PMUpdated May 30, 2024 | 4:57 PM
It will not be TDP victory, anyway

The results of the 2024 general election to the State Assembly and Parliament will be out by afternoon on June 4. The ballots are sealed, and the vote is now resting in the EVMs, which are in the locker rooms.The opposition TDP leaders are claiming that it would be the victory of the alliance this time. Even the yellow media says that it would be the victory of the alliance. Surprisingly, no one says that it would be the victory of the TDP. Not even Chandrababu Naidu and his son Lokesh are saying this. They attribute the victory to the alliance and not taking claim for the victory.

Chandrababu Naidu is a known Machiavellian politician. He is also a known opportunist. He goes to any extent to have an alliance or to break it. He uses other political parties for his electoral advantage. He used the Communists. He used the BJP. He used the Jana Sena. He even used the Congress in the 2019 general election, though did not have a tie up in Andhra Pradesh. He had a tie-up with the Congress in neighbouring Telangana.

Well, he dumps the parties if he finds them disadvantageous. He dumped the Jana Sena and the BJP in the 2019 general election. He went to the Congress for alliance. But, when the 2024 elections came, he used every source to reach out to the BJP leadership and finally had an alliance with them giving them more than what they deserved.Naidu, who keeps claiming as visionary and a man with future knowledge, is a big zero in case of development. He claims what others have done. He claims that the self-help groups are his creation, but in reality, they were created by the then Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao.

He claims that the hi-tech city in Hyderabad is his brainchild. But the reality is that it was conceived by the then chief minister Nedurumalli Janardhana Reddy. It was he who laid the foundation stone for the hi-tech city in Hyderabad.He claims that the Kia Motors is his hard work. But the reality is that Kia had started its plans to have the plant in Andhra Pradesh during Dr Y S Rajasekhar Reddy’s period between 2004 and 2009.Even if the TDP forms the government after the June 4 counting, it would not be the TDP’s victory but the victory of the alliance. This is what the leaders say. So there would be nothing for the TDP to stake claims on the victory!