
Big mouth Chinthamaneni has big trouble ahead

  • Published Jan 12, 2024 | 12:11 PMUpdated Jan 12, 2024 | 12:11 PM
  • Published Jan 12, 2024 | 12:11 PMUpdated Jan 12, 2024 | 12:11 PM
Big mouth Chinthamaneni has big trouble ahead

TDP former MLA from Dendulu in Eluru district, Chinthamaneni Prabhakar, is facing stiff opposition for his candidature for the coming general elections. Several youths are opposing his candidature this time, mostly because of his big mouth.

Chinthamaneni is known for his loudmouth and lose tongue. He shouts at anyone and everyone for no reason. He hurls abuses at the party activists and even uses his hand on them. He lost the 2019 general election only for his loudmouth.

Even the TDP activists did not vote him in the last general elections. This time they have put up banners in the constituency opposing his candidature. They say that they are ready to support anyone but not Chinthamaneni.

The leaders in the constituency are silent over these posters and banners that have come up in the constituency. Some leaders have already communicated the opposition to Chinthamaneni’s candidature to the party top leadership.

Sources say that party chief N Chandrababu Naidu is in favour of Chinthamaneni and is not ready to have a new face here. Naidu is confident of the victory of Chinthamaneni and does not want to change the candidature at this point of time.

He dragged an MRO in the sand and abused her for stopping him from the sand quarrying when he was the MLA between 2014 and 2019.Then chief minister Chandrababu Naidu found fault with the MRO and protected Chinthamaneni.

When Chinthamaneni said that Dalits have no right to do politics, people across the constituency got angry with him. Dalits in the constituency did not vote him in the last elections. He is also known for having his own roads in the Kolleru lake area and thus harassing the Dalits.

All his anti-social activities have earned a bad name for him in the constituency. No section of the people is ready to support him this time. The dissent against his candidature is increasing and spreading across the constituency.

It is to be seen how Chandrababu Naidu would resolve the issue and give ticket to Chinthamaneni or would he change the candidature taking the dissidence and open opposition against him into consideration.