Bangarraju 3 in the Works: Why Kalyan Krishna Missed Naa Saami Ranga?

In the midst of Naa Saami Ranga promotions, a lingering question echoed through the corridors of media discussions—why did Director Kalyan Krishna, renowned for delivering two blockbuster hits with Nagarjuna in rustic backdrops, not helm the current project, but instead, Vijay Binni? Speculation buzzed among fans and critics alike, seeking an explanation for this unexpected directorial shift.

In response to the inquiry, Nagarjuna shed light on the matter, citing Kalyan Krishna’s personal challenges in his family life as the reason for his absence from the project. Despite this, Nagarjuna assured that plans are already in motion for a future collaboration with Kalyan Krishna, for the continuation of the beloved Bangarraju franchise, signaling exciting developments on the horizon.

As the curtain lifted on potential insights into the directorial choices, Nagarjuna dropped a tantalizing hint that set fans ablaze with anticipation—Bangarraju 3 is in the cards. With the franchise holding a special place in the hearts of fans and traditionally gracing the screens during the Sankranti Festival, speculation now revolves around the release date. Enthusiasts eagerly await the prospect of Bangarraju 3 gracing the silver screen for Sankranti 2025 or perhaps Sankranti 2026, marking a celebration for fans and a promising chapter for the iconic franchise.

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